Shandong Tieying Construction andEngineering, Ltd., is a conglomerate company offeringservices in a number of related areas: alongside our industrial and trade arm,we are engaged in the provision ofspecialized automation engineering equipment;in thedesign, manufacture and installationof steel structures and formworks; aswell as in the general and specialized contracting of rail,highway, subway,municipal, and port and waterway projects. We are nationally certified at thefirst rankin the design and manufacture of steel structures and formworks, holda number of additional certifications including for the general contracting ofmunicipal projects, and boast an AAA credit rating. At present, the company hasregistered capital of 100 million RMB and 1200 employees.
Our engineeringdivision is composed of fifteen specialized project management teams. As aconstruction enterprise, the division’s core service is the general contractingof rail, highway, municipal, subway, and port and waterway projects.Secondarily, we engage in specialized contracting of bridge, deep-waterfoundation, tunnel, ground treatment and port and waterway projects.As ourservices have expanded, we have become a top choice in the industry for thelarge-scale projects that are our focus.Past contracts include the following:the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Rail line; the Wuhan-GuangdongPassenger-Dedicated High-Speed Rail Line (PDL); the Guangdong-Shenzhen PDL; theNingbo-Hangzhou PDL; the Baoji-Lanzhou PDL; the Ningbo-Anjing PDL; theBeijing-Shenyang PDL; the Shenzhen subway system; the Taixing Railway inShanxi; the Qingdao-Lianyungang Railway; the Quzhou-Ningde Railway; theXuzhou-Yancheng Railway; the Gaoping-Qinshui Highway in Shanxi; Nanjing’sJiangbei Riverside Freeway Bridge (Build-Transfer); Tangshan’s Seaside Highway;the Ningbo Kexin Land Reclamation; the Putian Coastal Land Reclamation; theJiaojiang District (Zhejiang) Agricultural Land Reclamation; Xining’s WesternChannel; Yangluo Pier in Wugang; and the East China Sea Dafeng Rescue PierProject. We have also mastered the construction technology of high pier andlarge span cantilever beam, the construction technology of 160m span continuousbeam arch vertical swivel, the construction technology of 120m horizontal swingT-beam, the design and construction on large double-walled steel cofferdam fordeep water foundation, trestle bridge, 32m deepwater steel sheet pile cofferdam,900t cast-in-situ moving die carrier,and the design of cast-in-situ support for900t cat-in-situ beam through pier beam method. Now we are one of the leadingcontractors in the field for our superior technology support.
Theautomation engineering equipment andsteel manufacturing division covers an area of 93,000 square meters, withstructures accounting for a total area of 46,000 m2. Administrativeand research and development buildings encompass 10,600 m2. The divisionholds 290 pieces of heavy production equipment and 22 pieces of heavy-dutylifting equipment. Tieying-series automation engineering equipment and steelstructures (bridge formworks, cantilevers, hydraulic asphault finishers, bridgedecking, etc.) have been increasingly welcomed by the marketplace. The companyhas won contracts for automation engineering equipment and steel formworks fora large number of national-level, large-scale railroad, highway and subwayprojects, and hasearned a variety of national accolades for our achievements inthese fields. In research and development, we enjoy collaborative relationshipswith a number of schools and institutes and are recognized as a leader in thefield, currently holding 39 patents.
ShandongTieying strives for top quality engineering, the trust of our clients andpartners, and the best in service. We are an outward-looking, forward-thinkingenterprise, and enthusiastically seek mutually-beneficial collaborations withbusiness partners at home and abroad. Positioned at the foot of Mt. Tai inShandong and centrally located along key road and rail routes linking Beijingand Shanghai, we are only 66 kilometers from the provincial capital at Jinanand a similar distance from Qufu to the south, home of Confucius. We welcomefriends and partners from all quarters to join us here in our efforts to builda brighter future for the country and the world!